2008年7月27日 星期日


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2008年7月18日 星期五

Patello-Femoral Joint Replacement






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2008年7月15日 星期二

利用NVidia CUDA 加速MATLAB運算



OS: VISTA 32bit




安裝CUDA以前,先安裝第三方顯卡驅動。對,你沒看錯NV自家驅動會讓你安裝不了CUDA driver,夠鳥吧!





函示庫喔!不需要自己的撰寫C語言再用MEX function,真是爽阿。下載後,直接把Jacket提供的函式庫加進PATH就搞定了!


BLAS Example 1: Square Matrix Multiplication
Computing the 2x2 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.177807 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 4x4 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.143623 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 8x8 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.135356 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 16x16 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.182954 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 32x32 benchmark...
On average GPU is 5.28891 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 64x64 benchmark...
On average GPU is 1.67258 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 128x128 benchmark...
On average GPU is 4.13088 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 256x256 benchmark...
On average GPU is 17.4282 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 512x512 benchmark...
On average GPU is 139.496 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 1024x1024 benchmark...
On average GPU is 990.547 times faster than the CPU.
Plotting results...End of BLAS Example 1.

BLAS Example 2: Matrix-Vector Multiplication (Transformation)
Computing the 3x1024 benchmark...
On average GPU is 1.60066 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x2048 benchmark...
On average GPU is 4.33732 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x4096 benchmark...
On average GPU is 13.9893 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x8192 benchmark...
On average GPU is 3.1869 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x16384 benchmark...
On average GPU is 5.72559 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x32768 benchmark...
On average GPU is 8.04638 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x65536 benchmark...
On average GPU is 26.1396 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x131072 benchmark...
On average GPU is 31.8335 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x262144 benchmark...
On average GPU is 71.517 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x524288 benchmark...
On average GPU is 121.903 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x1048576 benchmark...
On average GPU is 280.337 times faster than the CPU.
Plotting results...End of BLAS Example 2.

BLAS Example 3: Matrix-Vector Multiplication
Computing the 3x2 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.0946142 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x4 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.0906896 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x8 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.0937124 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x16 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.0942915 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x32 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.0815369 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x64 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.107138 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x128 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.162368 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x256 benchmark...
On average GPU is 0.365671 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x512 benchmark...
On average GPU is 2.09458 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the 3x1024 benchmark...
On average GPU is 11.3481 times faster than the CPU.
Plotting results...End of BLAS Example 3.

BLAS Example 4: Sum Operation
Computing the benchmark for 8192 elements...
On average GPU is 0.818735 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 16384 elements...
On average GPU is 1.29138 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 32768 elements...
On average GPU is 2.45354 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 65536 elements...
On average GPU is 4.23906 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 131072 elements...
On average GPU is 9.45104 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 262144 elements...
On average GPU is 18.6068 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 524288 elements...
On average GPU is 37.1367 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 1048576 elements...
On average GPU is 92.3752 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 2097152 elements...
On average GPU is 149.387 times faster than the CPU.
Computing the benchmark for 4194304 elements...
On average GPU is 311.716 times faster than the CPU.
Plotting results...End of BLAS Example 4.

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2008年7月13日 星期日

My home!
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